APU Careers Careers & Learning

Facebook Series: Your Profile Picture

By: N. Cooper
Online Career Tips Staff

I spent a few minutes trying to find examples of what to do, and what not to do when considering a Facebook picture.  I’ll leave you all to Googling and seeing the results I did.  After spending a few too many minutes on this, I gave up.  There are WAY too many examples to choose from so I’m just going to give you a couple blurbs of advice and hope that you’ll pair my advice with your own common sense and be a successful Facebooker (and job applicant…)!

[Avoid These 5 Facebook Faux Pas at Work]

Think what you’d like, but the people interviewing you (and likely their superiors) willbe looking you up on Facebook.  They will be Googling you and they will be doing their homework.

When they pull you up on Facebook, is this the kind of picture you want a potential employer to see? Is this the first impression  you want to give?


If you answered “yes” to this question, you can stop reading right here.  But, if you have any sense at all, and answered “NO WAY!” to this question, read on, my friend… read on.

Pick a professional profile picture of yourself.  A headshot (read: just you, not a group) is best.  Smile.  Think of the kind of person employers are looking to hire and pick a photo accordingly.  Did you just graduate from school? A picture in your cap and gown would be awesome! Did you have headshots taken at your last job for your badge or intranet, that’s a great option, too!

[Social Media & Your Workforce]

Avoid photos with you drinking or smoking, partying, doing anything awkward or inappropriate (see above).  My rule of thumb is, if your grandmother wouldn’t like it or understand it, it’s probably best kept off Facebook.

Happy Job Hunting!

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