


By Kathleen J. Tate, Ph.D.
Professor and Program Director, Teaching in the  School of Education at American Public University

Busy teachers who want to advance their education, knowledge, and skills have more options for flexible learning via online and hybrid master’s degree programs. But, the tough question is what direction should they go? To meet some shifting needs of society and students, two new options are now available at American Public University: STEAM (STEM + the Arts) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

By Jill Kurtz
Online Career Tips Editor

If you are doing any commerce or communication online, you know that analyzing use data is critical to understanding your effectiveness. You need to know who is visiting the site, how they got there, what they are doing while on the site, and why they left before you want them to.

Google Analytics is a great, free tool to gain such insight and more. It has recently been updated to add active user data. Active users are the number of people actively accessing your site or app.

By Valerie Vann, DBA
Faculty Member, School of Business at American Public University

Are you about to complete your Master of Business Administration (MBA) journey? Now it is time to plan your next steps.

There are many career choices, MBA graduates are numerous, and the job market is competitive. You need to plan and prepare for your career. Consider creating a personal brand that may help you land an interview and begin your desired career.

By Nichole Ahlstrom
COLL100 Faculty at American Public University

The relaxation and serenity of summer have come to an end and now it is time to prepare for school to start, routines to take place, and to have order once again. To prepare for college as an adult keeping a schedule and communication with family members are essential.

By Tiffany Young
Online Career Tips Contributor

Getting ahead professionally takes more than just knowing how to do the job or having advanced degrees. The advancement of your career is solely your responsibility and shouldn’t just be a focus when searching for a new job. For help, try turning to professional organization for your career needs.

There is benefit to joining a professional organization– it’s an investment that can be one of the biggest career moves you’ll ever make.

By Ronald C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Faculty Member Management at American Public University

The role of the Constitution of the United States parallels closely the genesis of the Armed Forces. General George Washington, who went on to become our nation’s first President, was a proponent of a life of military service; he and the other founders ensured the Constitution reflected the principles of military service.

MBA graduate Wes O’Donnell used his degree to follow his dreams and launch several businesses and passion projects. Watch this inspirational video to earn more about his success as a serial entrepreneur as he shares his inspirational story of life after business school.

By Rhonda S. Ellis, DBA
Faculty Member, School of Business, at American Public University

Over the last several years, corporate, nonprofit and other industries have begun to experience a transformational shift in culture expectations and attitudes across the generational spectrum of their workforce. There is increasing demand for workplaces that equally value and focus on people, planet and profits and for leaders who understand that everything is connected.