
Online Learning


By Ryan Parks and Kimberly Smith
Student Affairs Liaisons, American Public University

Who do you turn to when you need guidance and motivation in your academic and professional life? A mentor. The right mentor can challenge and coach you to the next level as you move towards your educational goals. At American Public University and American Military University, we encourage students to expand their networks and become involved in mentoring.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Learning Tips Contributor

However, if so many people are victims of bullying, why do they come home and view it on television? Watch TV with your children and teens and initiate an open discussion. Use this discussion form to make it a learning moment. While TV has almost unparalleled entertainment value, it can also be a great tool for teaching and learning about social norms and the related causes and effects.

By Ryan Harding
Team Manager, Career Coaching at American Public University System

Students, too, have a part to play, and must use higher education as a mean by which to become workplace ready, something that involves more than learning how to think and dress. More specifically, students should keep the following in mind as they pursue their education.