In this podcast, Dr. Bjorn Mercer talks with APUS President Dr. Wally Boston about the impact of coronavirus on higher education.
In this podcast, APU’s Dr. Danny Welsch and Dr. Bjorn Mercer discuss how good scientific discoveries go evil and how evil discoveries turn good.
In this podcast, APU faculty members Tiffany Orcesi, Dr. Michael Pittaro and Dr. Bjorn Mercer discuss teaching in prison.
In this podcast, APU faculty Jonathan Hill and Dr. Bjorn Mercer discuss North American Indigenous music and how it has shaped mainstream American pop.
In this podcast, Dr. Bjorn Mercer and APU anthropology professor Dr. Jennifer Cramer discuss the realities of setting up and going on a field research trip.
In this podcast, American Public University faculty members Robert King and Dr. Bjorn Mercer discuss Labor Day, religion, and American prosperity.