This month, there are two annual events to celebrate conserving Earth’s natural resources: National Park Week and Earth Day.
People in different countries have varying perspectives on climate change. Learn about some startling questions one faculty received while living in China.
Climate change needs to be prioritized for the sustainability of our planet. There are many ways to positively impact our climate future.
Humans can be a part of the solution to resolving the problem of climate change. We can create a different future if we take local action.
Are there habitable planets or moons that could sustain human life? Learn about the challenges of colonizing Mars, Venus or other celestial bodies.
The dramatic recession of glaciers may soon cause Glacier National Park to become a permanent symbol of what climate change has done.
The 2022 Olympic Games were supposed to be the “greenest and cleanest” but learn how the use of 100% artificial snow and construction decisions have had environmental impacts.
An emergency can come in many different forms and strike at any time. Learn about emergency preparedness like creating an emergency kit and contact plan.