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5 New Methods of Devouring News for Beginners

5 New Methods of Devouring News for BeginnersHot off the presses no longer really applies to a physical printing, but by the click of a submit button. What’s your favorite news source? Some subscribe to RSS feeds, and others simply pick up a paper from a news stand. If you’ve just recently entered the mobile world of technology here are a few great places to start:

  1. Paper.li – Create your own newspaper! This is a great take on getting the latest news in a more personalized way. You can adjust it to fit the topics you’re looking for, and they filter them into what looks like a blog and it picks up the content from various sources.
  2. Smartr– For those with an iPhone, iPad, or Android this is great for news lovers. This will make a personal newspaper stream out of your friends Twitter and Facebook updates.
  3. LinkedIn Today – This social newspaper is for business readers. You can follow specific industries for current news from companies, colleagues and more.
  4. Instapaper – A great service for saving articles to read later that we’ve talked about a few times on here. Visit our tools and links page for more details on how to use it for news aggregating.
  5. Zite– This is something from iPad magazine that allows you to tailor stories to your needs and gets more intuitive with every use.

These are just a few of hundreds of great apps, plugins, and widgets you can use to follow the news. For more new consumable apps visit Mashable’s post this week.

By J. Mason

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