APU Careers Careers & Learning

Be Inquisitive at Work to Show Your Intelligence and Strength

Asking questions at work can be viewed negatively. For instance, if you ask your boss how to do every task then it may look like you don’t know what you’re doing, and aren’t willing to figure it out on your own. You can also be the heckler in meetings that will nitpick and question everything the presenter has to say. While these scenarios paint questions in the office as negative, it doesn’t mean being inquisitive is a bad thing.

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Instead of asking your manager how to do something, suggest a better way of doing it. Test out the new process then report back on the findings. In meetings, raise your hand if you have something to ADD to the conversation, not take away from it. If something isn’t working, brainstorm and ask questions that are relevant and make the others in your group think.

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