


By Dr. Randall Cuthbert
Associate Professor, Emergency & Disaster Management at American Public University

Online learning offers an incredible opportunity to meet and get to know professionals from your field from across the country and around the world. It would take more than my ten fingers to count the number of folks that have attained jobs because of connections they’ve made in my classes.

But that is not enough. No matter how much a peer or potential supervisor learns about you in your online class, they still don’t know you. Not really.

By Dr. Dave Becher
Associate Vice President, Institutional Research at American Public University System

The decision to pursue an advanced degree as a working adult with a family deserves careful consideration. I write from experience as I have earned both a master’s and a doctorate degree while having a wife and two children.

By Dr. Jill Fuson
Faculty Director, School of Business at American Public University

Are you a leader or a manager? Is there a difference between leadership and management? Definitely! People follow leaders while people work for managers.

Is a good manager automatically considered a good leader? Not necessarily because managers and leaders have very different qualities.

By Jill Kurtz
Online Career Tips Editor

Whether you are writing online content or a resume, it’s important to know what keywords will help you garner attention and attract the right readers. So, how do you find the best keywords? Here are some no-frills techniques that won’t cost you anything more than your time.

By Bethanie Hansen, DMA
Faculty Director, Communication, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, Religion and World Languages Programs, School of Arts & Humanities at American Public University

If you have never taught outside your field, count yourself among the lucky few music educators. Chances are that teaching outside of music education, or even making a career change, could be in your future.

Headline stories about public school music and other elective programs that have been cut are frequently reported and threaten the feeling of job security for music educators. Upon hearing occasional news of teacher layoffs and contract reductions, how can the music educator confidently move forward on a career path and plan for the future?

By Guy Williams
Alumnus at American Public University

What is the value of a college education, especially to working adults? I asked myself this question several times and heard the same question echoed by my peers, students, faculty members, politicians, newscasters, and several prospective employers.

Then there are deeper questions around topics such as whether there is a way to quantify the value of a college education or whether traditional brick and mortar school degrees carry more weight than online schools. While the list of questions appears endless, I believe a few truisms exist about college degrees earned at any age.