Learn more about degree programs at American Public University. |
By Ryan Laspina
Senior Specialist, Red Flags and External Reviews at APUS
This year is as good a time as any to start your college journey. If you are starting your first college classes within the next few weeks, you may feel excited but also nervous about what to expect.
There are many resources available to help you with financial aid and academic advising, as well as navigating the school’s website. While finding information is now easy thanks to technology, sometimes new students need just some motivational tips and reassurance to help them through those periods of uncertainty:
1. Remember: You CAN do it! College can be overwhelming, especially for first-year students. But with so many university resources available to you, there are a variety of ways to get help. Do not be afraid to ask.
2. Changing your mind is fine. Sometimes, changing your major or minor is a necessary and perfectly acceptable decision. For example, you may start your program and realize it is not for you. Or maybe you take a general education class and think it would be cool to study other subjects.
Do not be afraid to change your major or minor. The best time to do this is during your first few semesters.
Remember, your college education is yours and yours alone. Follow the path that gives you the most academic enrichment.
3. Moms and dads can be great students, too. You might have more family responsibilities than other students, but that does not mean you cannot succeed. If you have a hectic family life, online or part-time education might be the right path for you. Your sacrifices will all be worth it when your family sees you walk across the stage at commencement to accept your diploma.
4. Embrace the uncertainty. The unknown can be scary, but it can also be wonderful. Sometimes, taking on new challenges results in something amazing, such as a degree or a new sense of self-purpose.
Change does not always have to be bad. Hopefully, the decision to start school in 2018 will yield immeasurable benefits for you.
5. Focus on the positive. If you are going through a rough period, take a few minutes to breathe deeply, relax and think about all the positive things in your life. Before starting college, you can work on ways to develop your problem-solving skills and coping mechanisms.
College can be stressful, even more so if you are balancing your studies with family or work responsibilities. With your problem-solving skills, coping mechanisms, and the support of your loved ones and college advisors, you can overcome any challenges that come your way.
Any new venture such as a college education brings a mix of excitement and anxiety. But if you remember these tips and lean on your support system, you will be just fine. Good luck!
Learn more about degree programs at American Public University. |
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