APU Careers & Learning Online Learning

In the Military? 5 Reasons to Get Your Degree Online

Check out my newest podcast! I interviewed Dan Roby, who works for American Military University as a Military Outreach Manager.  He had some great insight into why online learning is a great option for those in the military.

Dan, himself, is retired Air Force and attended 11 universities over almost 27 years to finish his schooling… inspiring!

Check it out!

[audio:http://wpc.242f.edgecastcdn.net/00242F/audio/olt-interview-with-dan-roby-podcast.mp3|titles=In the Military? 5 Reasons to Get Your Degree Online|artists=N. Cooper]

Want to find a local representative in your area? Dan shared this link with us, to point you all in the direction of his colleagues, who can help you out if you’re considering finishing up your degree online.

Find a Representative

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