APU Careers Careers & Learning

The big benefits of being in a professional network

http://apus-csb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Michelle-Bio.jpgBy Michelle Gilbert, Guest Contributor

How important is networking, and does it really work when trying to land your dream job? Networking can allow individuals to be in professional relationships with others in their specific field of interest while allowing them opportunities to brand and market themselves in that field . Deborah Shane from Careerealism.com shares that there has always been a great power in building networks and showcases five different benefits of being in a network.

The five tips that Deborah highlights are “content resources”; “personal support”; “asking for help”; “a sense of belonging”; and “personal empowerment throughout the networking community.” “Content resources” entails sharing information, whether it be online or in person, each of which include information found in newspapers, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and even Facebook. With respect to personal support, Shane points out, “the days of being a lone wolf in life or business are over. We survive and endure by supporting each other”. Businesses, colleagues and sometimes complete strangers use each other to grow within their field and are often found asking for help, which is the next suggestion by Shane.  In Benefits of being in a Network, Shane underscores the power of help as one of the fundamental benefits of belonging to a network. For example, LinkedIn is a great resource to have when looking for information or needing help with answers, and can also can give you a sense of belonging, number four on Deborah’s list of networking benefits.

Networking can make you feel as if you’re a part of something that exists not only to help you but others in your profession. It can give off a feeling of personal empowerment. To see someone succeed professionally can give you strength and courage and the drive to keep moving forward in your job search.

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