APU Careers & Learning

Tip of the Day: For Better Concentration Fight Boredom

Everyone falls into the trap of being overwhelmed, overworked, and just plain tired of repetitive tasks. When this feeling settles in it’s hard to keep your concentration in check…something highly valued when it comes to absorbing information for class.

Or when you have a discussion post due you might feel it best to throw out the first thing that comes to mind so you can be done with it, right? Don’t think this way, it may be the boredom or sedentary getting the best of you. William Klemm, D.V.M., Ph.D. of Psychology Today shares 12 other ways to improve concentration. One I find most important is fighting boredom.

Dr. Klemm says one of the best ways to fight boredom is by making the target into a competition or game of sorts. By not letting the repetitive task seem like something you do all the time can enliven it for you. Try timing yourself, or taking a different approach to starting the task. Whichever way you approach it, don’t do it the same way everyday.

[Related post: Create Your Own “Success Kit” for Your Online Classes.]

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