APU Careers Careers & Learning

Tip of the Day: Look for the Next Step Forward and Up

If you’re highly motivated and want to go places then you’ve constantly got your “feelers” on alert and your ear to the ground.

To take the next step up the “food chain” you need to excel at your job; which is just one of many ways to gain credibility. According to Monster.com“you need to understand your next step in order to reach career happiness, because career pathing is critical to remaining engaged on the job.” In order to keep your career on the upwards track you should schedule discussions with your manager for clarity on the next challenge you need to overcome and conquer. If you don’t feel there’s a way for you to move up in the role you’re in at your current company, then maybe it’s time you start looking around.

[Related Post: Make Action Plans Not Resolutions in 2011]

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