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By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

While you’re enjoying a piece of succulent turkey and snooze inducing stuffing remember your education. It is just as big a part of your life as the job you drive to everyday, and the favorite movies you watch on loop. Give thanks to the little things, and for what you’re doing in your online classroom.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Learning Tips Contributor

However, if so many people are victims of bullying, why do they come home and view it on television? Watch TV with your children and teens and initiate an open discussion. Use this discussion form to make it a learning moment. While TV has almost unparalleled entertainment value, it can also be a great tool for teaching and learning about social norms and the related causes and effects.

By Cindy Aitken
Senior Manager, Community Engagement at American Public University System

During commencement activities the mascots mingled, posed for photos, and helped to make the celebration of our graduates and their families even more memorable. Even through the jovial atmosphere one question was asked repeatedly—what are their names?

By Madeline Kronfeld
Online Learning Tips Contributor

Keeping yourself informed and educated in and and outside of the classroom is important. This month we move to give you the facts and most updated “need to know” information on breast cancer. Starting today, you’re going to see a lot more pink ribbons in stores, on television, and online.

By Amy Morin

Quite often, the biggest obstacle to reaching our goals is our lack of motivation to get started. Whether we want to launch a new marketing campaign, get more organized, or lose weight, there’s often a long pause between thinking about change and actually creating change. This may be largely due to the fact that we put things off until “someday.”

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

With the rash of the #icebucketchallenge videos and Buzzfeed leisure quizzes it’s a miracle students are getting any work done. Instead of giving into “squirrel syndrome”, when these highly shared distractions come your way, try to overcome that weakness for these social pulls and find your classwork happy place.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Learning Tips Contributor

The Apollo 11 mission motivated a generation of innovators, technologist, mathematician, dreamers, scientist and engineers. The Moon Landing confirmed that, if you could dream it, arouse it, campaign it, and finance it, almost anything could be accomplished. The Apollo 11 Mission had three major factors…

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

Whatever your fears may be, it’s worth talking to a peer about them. If you have concerns about the school it never hurts to talk to current students or an admissions representative. Education isn’t something to be afraid of, instead it should be looked at as a challenge to be overcome.