APU Careers & Learning

Set Study Appointments for Yourself

We cannot articulate this enough fellow students!  Create a schedule. Determine what time is best for you to study and work on your assignments. Is it every Wednesday while your partner is out for poker night? Maybe it’s Saturday mornings when the kids are at soccer practice. By creating a schedule, and setting task reminders, you’re less likely to become overwhelmed juggling school with your other commitments. 

A schedule is extremely important since your classes are online.  While you can access the classroom any time, by setting a regular schedule, you’re more likely to succeed and remember to dedicate yourself to the commitment of education.  A schedule will help you plan ahead, accommodate future appointments and meet your classroom assignment dates ahead of time.  If you lack a schedule, you will more easily forget about an assignment or procrastinate until you are overloaded.

 – Online Learning Tips Staff

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